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Look! Image of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Using Candles

Devotees from Iloilo created the image of Our Lady of the Rosary using candles in celebration of the Month of the Holy Rosary.

A report from ABS CBN News captured these photos of around 3,000 candles used to create an illustration of Our Lady of the Rosary, i.e.,an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary carrying the child Jesus inside a rosary.

This was for an event at Plaza Libertad last Saturday, October 12 organized by the San Jose Parish Youth Commission and Cofradia del Sto. Rosario.

According to Rev. Fr. Raymundo Edsel Alcayaga, OSA, it is a shining example of the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary of the devotees from Iloilo City.

He emphasized the importance of praying the rosary: "If we can regain this devotion to the Holy Rosary it could be a great help in strengthening our faith and making our faith in God very strong,” said Alcayaga. “Praying the holy rosary is one of the ways to answer the prayers of devotees.”

Youth coordinator John Christian Dumancas explained that forming the Image of the Holy Rosary through candles is their way of showing ability, creativity and devotion.

Photos: ABS-CBN

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