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Cardinal Tagle's 1st Mass as Prefect of Propaganda Fide

by Margaux Salcedo

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle celebrated his first mass as Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples or Propaganda Fide last Tuesday, February 11, on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes.

His Eminence led the Community Mass of the Priests from the Philippines at the Pontifico Collegio Filippino that is under Fr Gregory Ramon D. Gaston, with spiritual direction of Fr. Andrew Recepcion.


[Video: Leandro-Jose C Tesorero]

Present as well at the mass was the Ambassador of the Philippines to the Holy See, Her Excellency Grace Relucio Princesa.

Cardinal Tagle's mass was delivered in Italian (see video).

Cardinal Tagle's First Mass as Prefect of Propaganda Fide
Cardinal Tagle's First Mass as Prefect of Propaganda Fide [Photo: Leandro-Jose C Tesorero]


Cardinal Tagle arrived in Rome on Monday, February 10, at around 7:00 a.m.

At noon, he arrived at his new office, the Palazzo di Propaganda Fide near the Spanish Steps in Rome, and was greeted warmly by his new team / "collaborators".

Cardinal Tagle welcomed at Propaganda Fide. [Photo: Fr. Regie Malicdem]
Cardinal Tagle welcomed at Propaganda Fide. [Photo: Fr. Regie Malicdem]

According to Fr. Regie Malicdem (photo with Cardinal Tagle below), rector of the Manila Cathedral and secretary of Cardinal Tagle, the collaborators joined His Eminence to pray the Angelus at noon, before he delivered his message:

“Good day to all! My name is Luis Antonio Tagle. Many call me Chito, from Luisito. I did not study in Rome and I learned Italian only by myself. So I speak a unique Italian of my own. I am here to start my new mission as Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. I am the Prefect but I am not perfect. I came here as a student in order to learn from you, my masters and teachers. I bring you all the greetings and affections from Asia and especially from the Philippines and Manila."

After this short message, lunch was served.

Cardinal Tagle on his first day at work as Prefect of Propaganda Fide.

Cardinal Tagle was the 32nd Archbishop of Manila. Also on Monday, February 10, as Cardinal Tagle assumed office as Prefect in Rome, Manila Auxilliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo was appointed by Pope Francis as Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Manila.

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