Caritas Manila through its OPLAN DAMAYAN program has already aided 1.3 Million or 1,344,199 families. This translates to around 6.7 Million individuals or a total of 6,720,995 family members that have been helped by the social action arm of the Catholic Church.
As a result of the participation of the 10 dioceses of the "Mega Manila" jurisdiction of the Catholic Church, over 1.3 Billion or P1,369,495,000 worth of supermarket gift certificates have been released.
Ten (10) dioceses and 664 parishes have participated in this effort to help Filipinos who cannot afford to eat due to the Enhanced Community Quarantine.
Should you also want to donate, here are the details to donate to Caritas Manila Inc.:
Caritas Manila, Inc. accepts donations via the following banks, and you may send a copy of the deposit slip to
BPI S/A: 3063-5357-01 BDO S/A: 5600-45905 Metrobank S/A: 175-3-17506954-3
For more info, call Caritas at 0905-4285001 or 0929-8343857.