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Lenten "Fast" Facts Day 1 with Bro. Kevin Joshua Cosme
Lenten "Fast" Facts Day 2 with Bro. Viel Baustista


FR. PHILLIPPE ANGELO G. GARCIA became a father at a young age. He loves to listen to stories, watch movies and later on, extract the seeds of the word of God and teachings of the Church from them. He serves as the Vocation Director of the Diocese of Kalookan, a spiritual director of Catholic Women’s league in his Diocese, and a Parochial Vicar in charge of Social Action Commission of San Roque Cathedral Parish. Fr. Phillippe writes for he desires to express his love to God through his Church.
The only way of loving truly is to be holy. If someone is not striving to be holy, to be like Jesus, then he is not yet loving truly. Fr. Phillippe Garcia shares his stories, tips, reflections, and pastoral insights for us to love more like Jesus.
May his sharings develop your love story with God as he inspires you to translate your love to God through action.