Special Mass, Special Intentions for Frontliners, the Sick & the Deceased Sought for Holy Hour in May
by Rev. Jose Mayo, OFMCap
Bishop Broderick Pabillo, Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Manila, sends out an urgent call upon Catholics to put faith into action through prayer and charity.
Community Pantry & Kindness Stations
In his latest Pastoral Instruction, Bishop Pabillo encourages the faithful to care for one another: "As we beg for God's mercy, let us also be merciful to our brothers and sisters."
Inviting Christians to turn their eyes to heaven, His Excellency calls on them to turn their hearts to those in need. He recognizes how the bayanihan spirit - recently seen in the Community Pantries set up by concerned citizens everywhere - resembles the charity that marked early Christian communities: "The idea of mutual help among communities which expresses our Bayanihan Spirit has caught fire. This is inspired by the example of the early Christian community in Jerusalem where 'there is no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale ... and they were distributed to each according to need' (Acts 4:34-35). Thus, the simple aim of 'Give what you can. Take what you need.' (Magbigay ayon sa kakayanan, Kumuha batay sa pangangailangan.'"
To lend flesh to prayerful spirits, he encourages every Catholic to contribute and participate in this act of fraternal solidarity, to "put our heart into it".
He says this is a better than the top-to-bottom approach; pointing to the Caritas Kindness Stations as an example.
Holy Hour Special Intentions
Reminding the flock of God's love, the Apostolic Administrator also instructed parishes and religious communities to hold Holy Hours over three days, each for a special intention: for frontliners on May 5, for the sick on May 6, and for the dead on May 7.
He added that these must be streamed online in order to be accessible to as many of the faithful as possible.
Holy Mass for Mercy with Priests of Manila
Bishop Pabillo has also summoned all priests of the Archdiocese to a Mass at the Manila Cathedral on May 8 at 9:00 a.m. He told them to bring with them "all the tears and sorrows of the people for their loved ones".
Read the full text of the pastoral letter below: